Ninja Chickens Podcast

Ninja Chickens – Episode #7

Show Notes From Episode 7

Instagram – @ninja.chickens

Ninja Chickens Ravelry Group

Fiber related

  • Finished Objects

Riddari by Vedis Jonsdottir in Lettlopi

  • WIPS

– Grand Central Socks by Mina Philipp/KnittingExpat in Casual Fashion Queen

  • Dyeing-

– The Wild Dyery natural dyeing course

– Fern Fiber Trunk Show

  • Aquisitions-

-Naturally dyed Buckalooview sachet and Shetland Oo magazine
BOAT Faroe Islands edition magazine

Homesteading/Homeschooling/Chit Chat

– Pysanky egg dyeing

– Recipe

“Coffee” Tea

2 parts Roasted Chicory Root
1 part Roasted Dandelion Root

Mix herbs well. Use 1 tsp of herbs in 1 cup boiling water. Steep 10 minutes. Strain out herbs. Sweeten and add cream if desired.

This is a nice ‘coffee’ flavored tea.

Blend all ingredients in a blender.  Heat on the stove… hot, but not boiling.  Serve in a nice big mug and drink up!

To find an Herbalist: AHG or American Herbalists Guild 

Places to buy herbs:

Mountain Rose Herbs


Ninja Chickens Podcast

Ninja Chickens – Episode #6

Show Notes From Episode 6

Instagram – @ninja.chickens

Ninja Chickens Ravelry Group

Talked about our bees

Fiber related

  • Finished Objects

– Verur (Minecraft) by Vedis Jonsdottir in Lettlopi

– How I steeked my Haust Cardigan

  • WIPS

Riddari by Vedis Jonsdottir in Lettlopi

– Grand Central Socks by Mina Philipp/KnittingExpat in Casual Fashion Queen

  • Dyeing-

– The Wild Dyery natural dyeing course

– New colors for Fern Fiber Trunk Show

Homesteading/Homeschooling/Chit Chat

– Handstand class

– Book Club – last month was The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman, this month will be SEKRET by Lindsay Smith.

– Recipe

Turmeric Golden Milk

  • 1 can coconut milk (full fat)
  • 1 cup Almond milk (unsweetened)
  • 1 1/2 tsp Tumeric root powder, or 2 Tbsp. fresh Turmeric root, grated
  • 1/2 tsp Ginger root powder, or 1 tsp fresh ginger root, grated
  • 1/4 tsp. Licorice root powder
  • 1/4 tsp. Cinnamon powder
  • Sweetened to taste

Blend all ingredients in a blender.  Heat on the stove… hot, but not boiling.  Serve in a nice big mug and drink up!

To find an Herbalist: AHG or American Herbalists Guild 

Places to buy herbs:

Mountain Rose Herbs


Ninja Chickens Podcast

Ninja Chickens Podcast – Episode #5

Show Notes From Episode 5

Instagram – @ninja.chickens

Ninja Chickens Ravelry Group

Fiber related

  • WIPS

Riddari by Vedis Jonsdottir

  • Finished Objects

Haust Cardigan by Dora Stephensen

  • Giveaway Winner!  The New York Sock Collection by Mina Phillip, skein of yarn by Color Me Happy, and Herbal Tea!! –

Sock collection and yarn – (entry #10) Arletha – craftystockinette on Rav “Having dinner by candle light with my hubby.”

Teas – Robin – (entry #25) knittermama7 on Rav, “I just try to be extra mindful on valentine’s day. We also splurge on special chocolate to eat and nice oils to use together”

and (entry #80) LaTaMa (finland) on Rav. “Valentine’s day is mostly about friendship in Finland (it is even called ‘friend’s day) and I’m not generally a romantic person but the nicest memories involve weaving friendship bracelets to friends as a child.”

  • Spinning

– Fiber Jo coil spin

  • Acquisitions

Rock and String yarns

  • What Fiber Festivals will you be attending this year??

Homesteading/Homeschooling/Chit Chat

– Meet Oreo and Maxine 

– Recipe

Rose Hip Jam

Fill jar 1/4 full of cut, sifted & deseeded rose hips.

Cover with apple juice to 3/4 full.

Let sit 4 hours to overnight. May be blended for smoother texture. Refrigerate.

To find an Herbalist: AHG or American Herbalists Guild 

Places to buy herbs:

Mountain Rose Herbs


Ninja Chickens Podcast

Ninja Chickens Podcast – Episode #4

Show Notes From Episode 4

Instagram – @ninja.chickens

Ninja Chickens Ravelry Group

Fiber related

  • WIPS

Haust Cardigan by Dora Stephensen

Project bags mentioned:

– The Fat Squirrel 

  • Finished Objects

Ninilchik Swoncho by Caitlin Hunter/BoylandKnitWorks, yarn by The Farmer’s Daughter Fibers

Shine Mitts by Pia Kammeborn

Cat mittens by Jorid Linvik

  • Giveaway!! – The New York Sock Collection by Mina Phillip, skein of yarn by Color Me Happy, and Herbal Tea!! – See the Ninja Cickens Ravelry Group to enter.
  • Natural Dyeing – New colors in the works for the Fern Fiber Trunk show at the Black Mountain Yarn shop on March 25th!
  • Acquisitions

A Second Treasury of Knitting Patterns by Barbara G. Walker

The Year of Living Danishly by Helen Russell

Adventures in Yarn Farming by Barbara Parry

– Knitting themed t-shirts

  • Yarn Related goodness that have drawn my attention – 

    Pichinku yarns – Peruvian yarn, naturally dyed, kickstarter  

    Making Stories – WOODS book European grown and dyed yarns, patterns, interviews, tutorials and more, Indi-gogo crowd funding campaign 

 Homesteading/Homeschooling/Chit Chat

– My birthday!  Woohoo 43!!  And I dyed my hair!

Brains On! Kids Science Podcast

– Chicken eggs of all colors and sizes!

To find an Herbalist: AHG or American Herbalists Guild 

Places to buy herbs:

Mountain Rose Herbs


Valentine Tea

4 parts Spearmint

4 parts Holy Basil/Tulsi

3 partsHawthorne Berry

3 parts Rose Hips

2 parts Rose Petals

1 part Cornflower

1 part Ginger

(optional) – 1 part Damiana

(example: 1 part = 5 grams)

Pour 1 cup of boiling water over 2 tsp. of tea and let steep 10 minutes.  Add sweetener and cream if desired and drink up!

A bit about Damiana – Damiana, also known by its scientific names of Turnera diffusa and Turnera aphrodisiaca, is a small shrub native to Mexico and South America.  It has a warm, slightly spicy flavor.  Though Damiana has a long history of use in traditional medicine, one use that stands out is as an aphrodisiac.  Historically, the Aztec and Mayan people drank damiana prior to love-making.  (I’d just like to take a moment here to thank them for bringing us both Damiana and chocolate!!)  Though its specific actions are unknown, it is thought that Damiana may increase blood flow to reproductive areas.  Damiana is also known to help decrease stress while enlivening the senses.  Decreasing stress could definitely help increase the libido!

Because of its stimulating effects on the reproductive system, it is not recommended that pregnant women use Damiana.

Ninja Chickens Podcast

Ninja Chickens Podcast Episode 3

Show Notes From Episode 3

Instagram – @ninja.chickens

Ninja Chickens Ravelry Group

Fiber related

  • WIPS

– Test knit for Caitlin Hunter/BoylandKnitWorks, yarn by The Farmer’s Daughter Fibers

Shine Mitts by Pia Kammeborn

Cat mittens by Jorid Linvik

– Tuft Woolens (hand and woolens soaps)

Fibre Share

Project bags mentioned:

– That Crafty Little Fox 

– Shop Sew Flo 

– The Fat Squirrel 

  • Finished Objects

Ketlin Skirt by Kat Coyle, using Fern Fiber “Robin and Squeaky”, Knit Pics “Wool of the Andes” sport, and Wing and a Prayer Farm “Thelma, Louise, and Hester”

-Plain socks for Leif, using Undead Yarn and Twist Fiber Studio

  • Sewing/Embroidery/Dyeing

Finished sewing skirt, dipped the bottom layer in indigo, and embroidered a few of the prints

– Organic “Dyelishus” Cotton from New World Textiles

– Sew What! Skirts by Francesca Denhartog and Carole Ann Camp

  • Natural Dyeing

-Dye day for Fern Fiber with Crested Coua Photography

  • Acquisitions

Lettlopi yarn for Haust sweater

Moel View Alice in Wonderland minis

– Oak gall ink from Stephanie of @sloyarn

– Mandrake necklace and The Worm from The Labyrinth Movie by The Busy Mockingbird

Homesteading/Homeschooling/Chit Chat

– My birthday!  Woohoo 43!!  Tres Leches cake

– Disney travels

– Great-Grandma Carmela Cedrone

– Meet Cookie Dough

To find an Herbalist: AHG or American Herbalists Guild 

Places to buy herbs:

Mountain Rose Herbs


Ultimate Chai Tea

6 parts Cinnamon chips

5 parts Rooibos

3 parts Cardamom pods (cracked)

2 parts Orange Peel

2 parts Ginger

1 part Cloves

1 part Vanilla Bean


30 grams Cinnamon chips

25 grams rooibos

15 grams cardamom

10 grams orange peel

10 grams ginger

5 grams cloves

5 grams vanilla bean

= 100 grams or 3.5 ounces of Ultimate Chai tea… enough to share!

Pour 1 cup of boiling water over 2 tsp. of tea and let steep 10 minutes.  Add sweetener and cream and drink up!

Ninja Chickens Podcast

Ninja Chickens Podcast Episode 2 – “The Big Reveal!”

Show Notes From Episode 2

Tell me a fun fact about you in the Ninja Chickens Ravelry Group

Fiber related

  • WIPS

Ketlin Skirt by Kat Coyle, using Fern Fiber “Robin and Squeaky”, Knit Pics “Wool of the Andes” sport, and Wing and a Prayer Farm “Thelma, Louise, and Hester”

-Plain socks for Leif, using Undead Yarn and Twist Fiber Studio

  • Finished Objects

Dungeon Scarf of the Skeleton King by Rik Schell (of Purl’s Yarn Emporium) 

Cardamom Coffee Hat by Caitlin Hunter Boyland Knitworks

  • Spinning

Bonkers “Harvest” Braid in Merino, Bamboo, and Nylon   

  • Embroidery –

-Snow Globe and Bear patterns by Cozy Blue

  • Dyeing

-Ecoprinting – silk scarves and skirt (Organic “Dye-Licious” Cotton from New World Textiles)

Fern Fiber 

  • Acquisitions

-Artwork by Giada Rose, Rose Witchery

-Winter Wellness Elixir

Homesteading/Homeschooling/Chit Chat

-Meet Isabella the crazy little Devon Rex

Rejected Princesses by Jason Porath

-Prince Rupert’s Drops – Smarter Every Day 

Leif’s Chocolate Tea

4 parts Red Rooibos

4 parts Cocoa powder or nibs

4 parts Honeybush

1 part Vanilla bean

Dash of grated fresh nutmeg 

(example: 24 grams each Rooibos, Cocoa, and Honeybush, 6 grams vanilla, pinch of nutmeg)

Pour 1 cup of boiling water over 1 Tbsp. of tea and let steep 7-10 minutes.  Add sweetener and cream and drink up!

Ninja Chickens Podcast

Ninja Chickens Podcast Episode #1 “Kicking it off”

Show Notes From Episode 1

Fiber related

  • WIPS

Dungeon Scarf of the Skeleton King by Rik Schell (of Purl’s Yarn Emporium) 

Cardamom Coffee Hat by Caitlin Hunter Boyland Knitworks 

  • Finished Objects

My Solstice Socks – a combinations of Susan B. Anderson’s Smooth Operator Sock pattern and Hermione’s Everyday Socks by Erica Lueder

Toby’s socks – vanilla sock with FLK heel

@Kammebornia Advent Mystery socks by Pia Kammeborn

116-3 Kristina tunic by DROPS Design

Kaia’s steam punk socks, a vanilla pattern with FLK heel

Beeswax Hat by Amy van de Laar

  • Care Packages – 59 adult, 17 kids (76 total, plus extra) sent to the Help Mate Crisis Center
  • Spinning

Bonkers “Harvest” Braid in Merino, Bamboo, and Nylon   

  • Dyeing

-Ecoprinting – silk scarves

Fern Fiber 

  • Embroidery –

-Snow Globe pattern by Cozy Blue

  • Sewing

-Organic “Dye-Licious” Cotton from New World Textiles

Sew What! Skirts by Francesca Denhartog and Carole Ann Camp

  • Acquisitions

Yarn*i*tec*ture by Jillian Moreno

The Art and Craft of Natural Dyeing by J.N. Liles

Knitlandia by Clara Parkes

-Pysaky Egg by Andrea Kulish/Studio A, @avlstudioa

RIB Magazine

Homesteading/Homeschooling/Chit Chat

-Meet Merlin our rooster

Butter Beer

(Makes 2-4 servings.  Seriously, it’s decadant!)

2 cups milk 

2 Tbsp. brown sugar (this makes it super sweet!  Feel free to cut it in half or even 1/4)

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 Tbsp butter

Mix all in a pot and warm.  Once the butter has melted, use an immersion blender or pour it in the blender and whip it until it is frothy.  Then pour it back into the pot and heat until nice and hot.  It’s a great winter drink!